Play Dirty by Sandra Brown is set in Dallas and involves a juicy love story with the twist of murder, deception, and strange requests. The fictional cast of characters includes a former Cowboys Quarterback, CEO of a Dallas based airline, his wife, and Dallas Police Detectives. (The book also mentions the Texas Rangers which was an added bonus.)
Ms. Brown does a phenomenal job of drawing you in hook, line, and sinker with in the first few pages. The strange and emotional story of the quarterback make you continue to turn the page. Then, as the request of the CEO and his wife are brought to fruition, you can’t put the book down. Between the love story and the intense race to right the wrong, you’ll fly though this book in no time.
As an added bonus, this book has been on the shelves for a few years, so you should have no trouble finding this at Half-Price Books.
It’s a great easy summer read, but there are a few slow parts that could have been avoided. Her style of writing is simple yet complex and allows the reader to feel what the character feels.
Over all, I give it a 4 on a scale of 5.
Do you recommend another easy summer read?