My high school 10 year reunion is coming up early next month, but the money for tickets is due a week from tomorrow.
It’s $50 a ticket, per person and we get dinner or something like that. Craig and I have been saving money for later this summer (when we’ll need it) and I don’t know if I can justify spending $100 on one night to see people I didn’t care to see after high school. I mean let’s face it, if I still wanted to be uber-tight friends with them, don’t you think I would be?
Here’s where you come in: Do you think I should go? I haven’t seen most of these people in 10 years and it would be nice to find out what they’re doing now, if they have a family, where they work, how they’ve changed, etc.
I kind of what to go for all those reasons; but I’m worried about spending the money when we’re in super-save mode.
If you’ve been to your reunion or choose not to go, please let me know your thoughts.
If you’re reunion is coming up and you’re not feeling the same way as me, please let me know your thoughts.
If you’re reunion is coming up and you’re feeling the same way I am, please let me know I’m not crazy.
Either way, your thoughts will be much appreciated and very valued!
Oh, and Happy May Day!
I did not go to my reunion for the very same reasons. Too much money, not enough interest. I was not interested to see what everyone from high school was up to because, frankly, I didn't really care for most of them. Those that I did care for I kept in touch with. So, my advice would be to save your money and wait for the 15 or 20 year reunion, if you're still interested then.
Sign up on Facebook - it's like a free reunion. :)
My reunion is this fall, and I'm somehow on the planning committee...our first meeting is tomorrow. I hope to organize something cost effective since the economy sucks and $100 for a crappy dinner is a lot for us, too. We went to Sean's a few years back and I found it totally overrated.
You know this past October was my debacle. I was very involved with several groups/activities in my high school. I always said I would go. I really wanted to see how everyone was. 2 things were going against me: $$, and concerts w/ Flute Choir. I also started asking around and not very many people were going. Most of them said they did not want to spend $100.00 +more due to the cash bar.
So, I also got help on this question as well. Allen said, it’s too much money, and if you really, really, really, want to see someone you have not seen in 10 years, you better make sure they will be there 100%. They can’t back out either. After all, that defeats the purpose of the whole idea.
I know you well enough that if you wanted to stay in contact w/ them, time would have done that throughout the 10 years.
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