Thank you to all the soldiers, past and present, for their service to our grand country. I proudly fly my flag today at home and work to honor all of the men and women that have sacrificed for our freedom. (I fly my flag everyday because I’m proud of our country, but that’s beside the point.)
Today is another day game at work; hence the reason why I’m here, but it’s a great day (minus the current score). The ballpark is full, we had a fly over, and a great anthem after a Navy swearing in ceremony. I always tear up during the anthem, but I had to stay focused in order to get a picture of the helicopter fly over.
This was really cool. Normally it’s a large plane, but the helicopters were so loud. You could hear them coming for a while before they finally made it to the park.
I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day, but please don’t forget to remember those that have served our country.
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