Not really sure what happened or why I fell off the blogging bandwagon, but I'm back in the saddle and ready for the next blogging ride.
Let's start with what I've been doing since March:
1. Work.
2. Work.
3. Hanging out with Craig.
4. Working out when possible.
5. Work.
Yep, baseball season has started which means I have a lot on my plate. I had a lot on my plate before but it was easier to put some things off because the season hadn't started. That isn't the case now.
Here's a recap of the high points from the last month.

Craig's birthday was on April 16. We went to Traildust in Arlington for dinner. We'd never been and now we know why. It's very touristy... not my kind of place. After dinner, we went to the Rangers game. It was the night Kinsler hit for the cycle and went 6 for 6. It was an exciting game but the best part was we were on TV. I kind of blended in, but everyone saw Craig in this blue jersey!
I worked this past Saturday for a friend at work. We had a post-game concert with Jack Ingram and I was on hand to help the partnering radio station set up. After the concert, Doss, Molly, Craig, and I went back stage and met Jack Ingram. He’s such a nice guy. He introduced himself as if we wouldn’t know who he was… he even wanted to know our names. I thought that was pretty cool!
Every Thursday for the past two months, I’ve been rehearsing with Flutissimo! Flute Choir. We’re down to our last few rehearsals before the concerts begin. I think I’m ready for the first performance on May 3. I’ll give you guys more details about the concerts in another post.
Well, I think that's everything for now. Thanks for taking me back, blogging world. I promise I won't fall off the blogging bandwagon again.
I glad your back. I knew with opening season, your work was taking up most of your life. I'm glad you have been spending time to Craig. After all, we do want our boys going to at least one of our concerts! I love the background. Is the program an easy download?
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