- July 22 – Went to see Harry Potter. You’ve gotta see it… but only if you’ve already seen the others.
- July 26 – Club America vs. Chelsea Football (soccer)
Game at the new Cowboys Stadium. Not only was the place uber nice, but Chelsea FC gained a new fan! Clap, Clap, Clap, Chel-sea!
- July 30 – Finally saw my brother again. It’s been since my birthday but our schedules never lined up. Now that he’s quit one of his three jobs, I can see him again. We went for drinks at Boomerjack’s in Bedford. We had a great time and when we were leaving Derek Holland, pitcher for the Rangers, was walking in. He had just pitched a great game, so we told him that as we were talking out. Kind of cool to see Derek in Bedford.
August 1-2 – went to Houston to see Craig’s grandmother. She’s been having a hard time of it as of late, with the stroke and all. Craig really wanted to see her.
On a happier note, we stayed at a really cool hotel just outside of Houston, in Tomball. It’s an earth friendly, green hotel that strives to be as green and organic as possible. They are building more around the country and there’s one slotted to open in the coming months at DFW Airport. Check it out here>>

Also, I’ve started designing my flute choir’s website. We haven’t had one before so I’m putting it all together from scratch. It’s been extremely fun for me, but kind of time consuming. See what’s going on here>>
All I have left to do on this one is get the domain name and start officially posting it.
I forgot how much I love to design web pages. Almost makes me wonder if I’m in the wrong business. I’ll never be able to do what we have on the Rangers side and still work for the team. I’d have to go to work for Major League Baseball’s Advanced Media (MLBAM). But I love the team aspect of my job and I wouldn’t have that at MLBAM.
So I guess I’ll have to continue designing part-time. I already have another website in the works for my mom and her business. I’ll be starting that one soon. If you have any website needs, please let me know!
Things coming up:
- August 6 - Flute Choir starts. I’m going to miss my free time on Thursdays!!!
- August 12 - Craig will take another test for teaching. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to look for a job. This test will also make him marketable to middle school and junior high.
- August 15-16 – potential to go somewhere, anywhere with Craig. We haven’t really celebrated our anniversary other than dinner. We’re thinking Austin, Lake Texoma, or maybe just a simple ‘staycation’… we’ll see.
I think this is all for my Heinz 57 blog. It’s a little all-over-the-map, but it’s my life in a nutshell.
Boy, you sure have been busy. Me too. I can't believe the summer's almost over, but I'm starting to really look forward to fall. We need to go get drinks soon.
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