I feel like I made some serious progress this weekend. Not only did I get the majority of my “list of things” done, I completed a few things I left off.
Here was my list from Friday:
1. Check, check, and check - Workout (tonight is turbo kickboxing, tomorrow is weight lifting and a calm & core class, and Sunday is yoga.)
2. I don’t get a check, but Craig does! - Mow the overgrown jungle that is my yard - front and back... yikes.
3. Check Plus - Laundry and lots of it (I was lazy last weekend).
4. Check Minus - Attempt to de-clutter the guest bedroom and office.
Even though I only tackled the guest bedroom (because I selfishly wanted to be outside on Sunday), I still got plenty done around the house.
1. Clean up the back porch
2. Vacuum the house and the couches
3. Dust the furniture
4. Make cute heart cakes for dessert – yum-o.
My pride and joy for the weekend: I did a serious overhaul on the back porch. Since it’s so hot outside, we don’t typically spend much time in the back yard. And with Maddie digging a big hole near the porch, we had dirt everywhere. After shoveling and sweeping the dirt back into the hole, I decided to clean the rest of the porch, too. Two hours later, it was complete. I feel so much better.
We would have eaten dinner outside last night if it weren’t for the plethora of mosquitoes that automatically started sucking my blood when I went to show Craig my accomplishment with the porch. Not one mosquito on him… not one, but my legs were covered with them. Drat. So we ate inside, but I still feel great about the way our porch looks.
Did you get anything accomplished this weekend?