I’m safe and sound, back at work. I was off work from Christmas Eve until yesterday. That’s quite a long time to be gone. Fortunately, nothing too big happened while I was away. However, one of my good friends at work decided to put in her two weeks. I’m really bummed that I won’t see her smiling face everyday, but I’m happy that’s she moving on to pursue her dream! You rock, Laura.
Other than that, things seem pretty normal at the good ol’ place of employment. And I’m actually happy to be back. Don’t get me wrong, I would totally love to be a ski bum all day if I didn’t have to worry about money, bills, living expenses, you know…
I’ve posted a few pictures in my Kodak gallery online. Instead of bogging down my blog, you can check them out here: Ski Trip 2009.
Allen and Michelle took tons of pictures. I’ll upload more when I get them.
Awww sweet friend! I'll miss you so much but I will be around!
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