Oh my, where did the time go? It's been several weeks since my last posting... to catch up to speed on what's been going on:
- We removed a tree from our front yard. With all the extra rain we've received this year, the tree, which was already leaning, started to lean on the house. Since that's considered dangerous, we decided to have it removed. One week later, we're less one tree in the front and our house should be safe! I'll upload pictures after they're downloaded from my mom's camera.
- Which brings me to number 2. My camera died on Halloween. Every time I turn it on, it dies. I can't even get the lens to go back in. Bummer. So I've been borrowing my mom's camera and my brother's, which I'm sure he doesn't know I have!
- We had our company softball tournament last Tuesday. It was a fun day full of tailgating, drinking, pizza, and softball. I even got my picture taken with the best pitcher to ever play the game - Mr. Nolan Ryan!
- My co-worker, Jenny turned the big 3.0. on Monday. We celebrated her birthday this past weekend at Joe T's and Four Day Weekend. Can't beat margaritas and comedy!
5. This week, I've been under the weather with a sore throat. Craig even missed work today because he was feeling crummy. But my good friend Heidi brought some spice tea by the office this afternoon. I'll definitely drink a cup tonight. Cheers.
- This weekend, we'll be celebrating some birthdays. My brother and my bestie's sister will turn one year older on Monday, November 16. AYAYAYAYAYA (if you don't know what that means, don't ask!) I plan on hanging out with Doss and Molly and then convince them that the real party will be at 8.0's. That's where Girl v. the World and Who you callin' Cupcake will be celebrating Cupcake's birthday. We always have good times, so I really want to be there.
- And last but not least - My bestie and her lobster are engaged! I'm so excited I think I just peed my pants. I know she's wanted this for sometime and my heart is so happy that she is going to experience all the joyous times of marriage (and the not so joyous!) To C & Lobster - Congratulations a million times over. I can't wait to watch as you two begin a life together.
And that has been my life in a nut shell for the past few weeks.
Next on the docket is Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday! I know, it should be Christmas, but there seems to be so much pressure around that time of year. I have so many fond memories of turkey, stuffing, pie, my grandparents, my family, Athens, Texas, and many more from my childhood. Of all of my memories as a kid, I would relive Thanksgiving over and over if I could.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? What's your favorite memory of this time of year?
Awww. Thanks! I sure hope you can make it out to 8.0's. We'd love to party with you guys! Oh, and I have been sick this week too! What's up with that?
Everyone has gotten that weird sore throat thingy...even way out here. Must be "The cold that swept the nation." All I know is that we all need to get better before Thanksgiving so we can enjoy oursleves!!
Oh...and my fond Thanksgiving memory is my sister Kirsten loves to cook. She spends 2 days making all the favorites from our childhood. Then we just show up and eat it all. It's great! :) And...the board/card games. Gotta love it.
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