November 13 – Went to Mesquite to watch my second cousin Zach play football for Eustace High School. He’s a junior and he’s big – well over 6 ft. tall! He’s being pursued by TCU. Keeping my fingers crossed for him. Zach is my cousin Brit’s first son.
November 14 – my brother Doss got a new tattoo for his

November 14 – again – We celebrated his birthday and Who You Callin’ Cupcake’s

Check out the video below of Ava chasing bubbles.
Oh, and I “fixed” my camera. Turns out if you put in NEW batteries it works just fine.
And… drum roll, please! Flutissimo! Flute Choir has officially launched a website – I’m super pumped. Please visit the site often and see what new things are happening with our group.
I hope you have fun times ahead this week with Thanksgiving! We’re going to be at Craig’s mom’s house and we’re playing Turkey Day Bingo during the football game. If you want the bingo sheets for your friends and family to play, email me!
Too cute and so big now!
I hope Turkey Bingo is a big hit and maybe a new tradition. Also a few posts back when you talked about turkey day, I wanted to say a fun thing I alway look forward to is playing poker w/the family. We have made all nighters w/our games followed by early work shifts due to Black Friday.
So much fun! And...the tattoo is it.
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