Things constantly change around us, there is no denying that. The seasons, our hair color – girls you know what I’m talking about, fashion, etc…
I started thinking about the changes currently going on around me, and while it’s not many, some are big changes.
Our nations leader is about to change hands. It will be a historic event that I’m actually looking forward to. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a republican and side more with the republican ideas than democratic, but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t respect a democratic leader. And this new leader of all people, makes me want to follow and respect him more than any other democratic president we’ve had (in my wee little life time).
I’m looking forward to Tuesday and watching President-Elect Obama’s inauguration. I caught a snippet of President Bush’s farewell speech last night and I feel for the man. He’s been through so much as our nation’s president and it shows on his face. I’m sure he’s looking forward to some time to relax and having more breathing room in Dallas.
I’m looking forward to change. My dad always told me, change can be good. Change the route you drive home, change your fashion, change your hair style, change your mind.
But one thing I don’t want to change; my family and friends. I can add new ones, but I don’t want to change the ones I have.
I started thinking about the changes currently going on around me, and while it’s not many, some are big changes.
Our nations leader is about to change hands. It will be a historic event that I’m actually looking forward to. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a republican and side more with the republican ideas than democratic, but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t respect a democratic leader. And this new leader of all people, makes me want to follow and respect him more than any other democratic president we’ve had (in my wee little life time).
I’m looking forward to Tuesday and watching President-Elect Obama’s inauguration. I caught a snippet of President Bush’s farewell speech last night and I feel for the man. He’s been through so much as our nation’s president and it shows on his face. I’m sure he’s looking forward to some time to relax and having more breathing room in Dallas.
I’m looking forward to change. My dad always told me, change can be good. Change the route you drive home, change your fashion, change your hair style, change your mind.
But one thing I don’t want to change; my family and friends. I can add new ones, but I don’t want to change the ones I have.
I feel the same way! Go Change!!
Had so much fun last night - love you girls.
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