Thursday, December 10, 2009

Book Ends: -- Between the Pages --

I've read a few books since my last book post, so I'd like to catch you up on some page turners.

1. I recently finished reading Atlantis Prophecy by Thomas Greanias. It's the second in the series, but the first one I read - the City of Hurst Library didn't have the first one.
I would suggest starting with Atlantis Raising. There were a few parts of the book that I think carried over from the first one, so I didn't get all the "inside jokes", but it wasn't too distracting.
If you like books like The DaVinci Code or Angels and Demons, you'll like this. It's set in Washington D.C., so think about the movie National Treasure mixed with DaVinci Code.
Next book in the series: The Atlantis Revelation -- Definitely one that I’ll pick up at the library.

2. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
I borrowed this one from a friend (thanks, Michelle) and to be honest, I didn't think I would like it. I'm not a big sappy story reader. I don't like to cry. I don't like to read sad stories. I don't typically like love stories. And this definitely wasn't my usual mystery/suspense kind of book. But after the first chapter, I was hooked. I know he's a well known author, but geez, he's good. He really sucks you in and while the story is pretty predicable, it was still a page turner.

Let's put it this way, I didn't think I would read the other two books I borrowed, but I'm now on the second Nicholas Sparks book!

3. Which brings me to what I'm currently reading - The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

Also borrowed from Michelle, it's an engaging short read that keeps me awake at night because all I want to do is see what happens next.

If you haven't read one of the many Sparks books, I recommend either of these as a launching point. But do not hold me accountable for sleepless nights and the addiction that may ensue for more of his books.

Happy reading.

Trees & Coco

Nothing like sitting at home on a cold winters evening with your Christmas tree all lit up and a warm cup of coco (with milk, kahlua, and marshmallows.)

Hope your cold night is as warm as a cup of coco.

Picture Show II

Left out a couple of pictures in my post from yesterday.

Saints Watching Party at Hooters
Monday Night Football on November 30
Saints v. Patriots in NO.LA.
The whole gang of Saints Fans... the ones I converted!
L-R: Allen, Kaylan, Craig, Blue, Doss, Michelle, and Brittany
The Saints WON against the Patriots!
Who dat'... who dat'... who dat'... who...

Tune in this Sunday, December 13 to see the Saints take on the Falcons in Atlanta. Game time 12:00 p.m. CT. Last time these two teams faced off, Saints were on top 35-27.

make your run at 13-0!

The story of how I came to love the Saints, in readers digest form:
When I was a little girl, merely four or five years old, my mom was the flight attendant for the Saints chartered plane on Braniff. She would take me on some of the flights with her and I got to know the team and the owner pretty well, as well as a little kid-o can. Several times, my family was invited to sit in the owners suite at the Super Dome to watch the games. I would walk around with my little Saints umbrella saying crazy things like "The Saints are on a roll, like a biscuit." (Apparently, I thought rolls were like biscuits.) Anywhoodle, I've been a Saints fan ever since. The Cowboys are okay, but they will never match up to my Saints. And there will be a divided house when the Saints v. Cowboys game kicks off on December 19! Cowboys are going down!!!

One more time for the road - GEAUX SAINTS!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Picture Show

Here are some pictures I promised I would share once I received them.
Our tree before it was cut down. It was leaning on the southern side of the house

Tree almost cut down...

No more tree.

At my second cousin Zac's football game. He plays for the Eustace Bulldogs.
He'll be a senior next year.
L-R: Doss, Zac, Nana, Tyler (Zac's brother), Kaylan, Craig
First Thanksgiving - okay, not our first, but the first one for 2009!
We're at Craig's aunt's house.
L-R: Kaylan, Craig, Uncle Mortey(seated), Aunt Judy, Clint (Craig's brother), Kim, Natalie (held by Kim)
The start of the second Thanksgiving.
Only appropriate with football and beer - those are spanish olives in my beer. Yum-o.
Turkey before the fryer.
Turkey in the fryer.
Kaylan the carver - I carved two turkeys and one ham.
And I get kind of possessive of my turkey/ham carving station!
Almost pirate like...
Thanksgiving Dinner Table.
Friday, December 4 was my mom's birthday. We had a lovely dinner and on Saturday, Mom, Dad, Nana, and I went to the Stars game. We were so high up that we could touch the back wall. It was nauseating climbing the stairs.
On Sunday... busy weekend... was Craig's holiday party for his store. We went to Bosses Pizza (delicious).
L-R: Joan, Bo, Danny, Marylin, Shawn, Jennifer, Corey, Julie, Marcia, Craig
Also, this weekend, we put up our skinny Christmas tree.
Count down to Christmas: 16 Days!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

Hope you have a woner-FULL Thanksgiving tomorrow.
~Kaylan & Craig

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fun Times a Plenty

Wanted to share some fun times with family and friends lately.

November 13 – Went to Mesquite to watch my second cousin Zach play football for Eustace High School. He’s a junior and he’s big – well over 6 ft. tall! He’s being pursued by TCU. Keeping my fingers crossed for him. Zach is my cousin Brit’s first son.

November 14 – my brother Doss got a new tattoo for his birthday. He'd wanted to get a new one for some time and finally got the cross with wings for his birthday. It took a few hours, but it looks great! Smitty at Randy Adams Tattoo did a phenomenal job.

November 14 – again – We celebrated his birthday and Who You Callin’ Cupcake’s birthday at 8.0’s in Fort Worth. Always a good time with that crowd.

November 22 – Craig’s soccer games are always fun because his team can be a bit drama filled. Last night was no exception, but the real fun was on the sidelines watching little Ava, my other second cousin, chase after bubbles that Ashley (my cousin/Ava’s mom/Brit’s sister) was blowing. It was a bit chilly and her little hat was just too cute.

Check out the video below of Ava chasing bubbles.

Oh, and I “fixed” my camera. Turns out if you put in NEW batteries it works just fine.

And… drum roll, please! Flutissimo! Flute Choir has officially launched a website – I’m super pumped. Please visit the site often and see what new things are happening with our group.

I hope you have fun times ahead this week with Thanksgiving! We’re going to be at Craig’s mom’s house and we’re playing Turkey Day Bingo during the football game. If you want the bingo sheets for your friends and family to play, email me!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Two Weeks

Oh my, where did the time go? It's been several weeks since my last posting... to catch up to speed on what's been going on:
  1. We removed a tree from our front yard. With all the extra rain we've received this year, the tree, which was already leaning, started to lean on the house. Since that's considered dangerous, we decided to have it removed. One week later, we're less one tree in the front and our house should be safe! I'll upload pictures after they're downloaded from my mom's camera.

  2. Which brings me to number 2. My camera died on Halloween. Every time I turn it on, it dies. I can't even get the lens to go back in. Bummer. So I've been borrowing my mom's camera and my brother's, which I'm sure he doesn't know I have!

  3. We had our company softball tournament last Tuesday. It was a fun day full of tailgating, drinking, pizza, and softball. I even got my picture taken with the best pitcher to ever play the game - Mr. Nolan Ryan!

  4. My co-worker, Jenny turned the big 3.0. on Monday. We celebrated her birthday this past weekend at Joe T's and Four Day Weekend. Can't beat margaritas and comedy!

  5. 5. This week, I've been under the weather with a sore throat. Craig even missed work today because he was feeling crummy. But my good friend Heidi brought some spice tea by the office this afternoon. I'll definitely drink a cup tonight. Cheers.

  6. This weekend, we'll be celebrating some birthdays. My brother and my bestie's sister will turn one year older on Monday, November 16. AYAYAYAYAYA (if you don't know what that means, don't ask!) I plan on hanging out with Doss and Molly and then convince them that the real party will be at 8.0's. That's where Girl v. the World and Who you callin' Cupcake will be celebrating Cupcake's birthday. We always have good times, so I really want to be there.

  7. And last but not least - My bestie and her lobster are engaged! I'm so excited I think I just peed my pants. I know she's wanted this for sometime and my heart is so happy that she is going to experience all the joyous times of marriage (and the not so joyous!) To C & Lobster - Congratulations a million times over. I can't wait to watch as you two begin a life together.

And that has been my life in a nut shell for the past few weeks.

Next on the docket is Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday! I know, it should be Christmas, but there seems to be so much pressure around that time of year. I have so many fond memories of turkey, stuffing, pie, my grandparents, my family, Athens, Texas, and many more from my childhood. Of all of my memories as a kid, I would relive Thanksgiving over and over if I could.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? What's your favorite memory of this time of year?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Mother Nature,

Thank you for creating the swimming pool in my backyard with all the excessive rain. I had one as a kid and always wanted one at my house now.

Problem is, my pup, Maddie, like's to play in the "pool". So, will you please make it stop raining so the pool dries up? I don't like having to clean her each time she wants to come inside.

Oh, and I'll send you my carpet cleaning bill from Maddie tracking mud in because we thought she was clean enough...

Okay, thanks a bunch.
~Kaylan on Valentine

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slutty Halloween

Anyone ever noticed that once you become a female adult, your Halloween costume must include the word “slutty”?

Why is that the case?

I don’t want to be a slut. Ever.

Thanks for letting me vent… I’m better now.

I’m open to suggestions on what I should be for Halloween (that doesn’t involve the word slut).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

State Fair Picture Show

Craig and I visited the State Fair of Texas on Tuesday. Here are some pictures from our excursion.

See Big Tex then hop over to Fletcher's to get the best corny dog on the planet!

FYI - if you're going to the fair, the cheapest beer is 6 tickets and is located in the Food Pavilion next to Big Tex. Do not pay the 12 tickets that they ask for at Fletcher's. Just get the corny dogs from there.

Yum-o... a Fletcher's with mustard.

After our corny dog, we tried the fried oreos. We tried the fired cheese curds last year. They are okay, but the fried oreos are delicious. They taste like regular oreos, but with a very crunchy exterior. We saw the fried butter, but I just couldn't bring myself to try it. It sounds disgusting.

After the Fair, we went to Uptown to the Idle Rich Pub and enjoyed a frosty Oktoberfest beverage and bratwurst. We sat on the patio and enjoyed the sights and sounds of being in downtown.

The fair closes this Sunday, October 18. Hope you're able to visit Fair Park before the fair rolls out of town.

Over The Top

The rules of accepting this award is that I have to answer the following questions and then pass the award on to six other bloggers.
  1. Where is your cell phone: in front of me on my desk... waiting for it to ring... but it never does.
  2. Your hair: short and straight
  3. Your mother: creative, crafty, loving no matter what
  4. Your father: when I was younger, we always said he was a square, but he would do anything you asked of him. Also very loving.
  5. Your favorite food: my mom's chicken enchilada's
  6. Your dream from last night: I don't really remember
  7. Your favorite drink: diet dr pepper and wine... no, not together
  8. Your dream/goal: not really sure at the moment... I'll get back to you when I find out
  9. What room are you in: my office at work, which is really in a hallway, but still an office
  10. What is your hobby: working out
  11. What is your fear: not finding a goal in life, not having enough money to pay the bills or buy groceries
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: 6 years older and happy about it
  13. Where were you last night: went to the gym and kicked butt at kickboxing then came home to read my book
  14. Something you are not: stress free
  15. Muffins: pass me the blueberry any day of the week and I'm a happy girl
  16. Wish list items: the new Dan Brown book, a second iron tea kettle, more of my favorite tea
  17. Where did you grow up: Texas - born and bred
  18. Last thing you did: start this blog
  19. What are you wearing: khaki pants and a black top
  20. Your TV: is nice
  21. Your pets: are lovable - Monkey (kitty) and Maddie (doggie)
  22. Your friends: couldn't get any better
  23. Your life: moving along while I enjoy the ride
  24. Your mood: strange
  25. Missing someone: Jim, Salem, and Squirt (family and pets that have passed within this month... too much death lately)
  26. Vehicle: Pepper - my Ford Edge
  27. Something you're not wearing: would it be weird if I said I forgot my underwear this morning? I didn't... I have underwear on, but I thought I would ask.
  28. Your favorite store: I don't shop... but if I had to pick I would say New York and Company, Guess, Express, Victoria Secret, Target... okay, maybe I shop a little
  29. Your favorite color: purple
  30. When's the last time you laughed: at the State Fair on Tuesday... some people should really look in the mirror before leaving the house
  31. When's the last time you cried: Sunday - when I found out Salem died that morning
  32. Your best friend: the smartest, most loving, crazy funny person to be around
  33. One place you go over and over: work... for some reason, I can't stop going
  34. One person who emails me regularly: my friends at MLBAM
  35. Favorite place to eat: I don't really have a favorite place, but I live for anything Tex-Mex

Sorry, but I only have three people I would like to pass this to:

YoYo over at YoYo's House

Laura at The O'Arnolds

Jenny & Kelly living the good life at Muy Muy Muy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tootin’ a Fluten’

Nope, I’m not speaking another language. Just talking flute… Flutissimo! Flute Choir. We’ve been rehearsing for over two months and things are starting to come together nicely – just in time for our concert.

Our main concert is this Sunday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m. and it’s our annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser. We’ll be playing spooky, Halloween type music for our “Boo” series.

Hope you’re able to join us this Sunday.

Sunday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Richland Hills United Methodist Church
7301 Glenview Dr., N. Richland Hills

Tail Waggin’ Good Time

Yesterday (Sunday) Maddie, Craig, and I participated in the Life Bark/Walk in Dallas. It’s an event that helps raise awareness for AIDS and HIV. We went because I love taking Maddie anywhere that allows dogs.

After the walk, we were going to hit up the Gingerman Bar in Dallas, which I had heard was dog friendly. They typically are, but something happened and they lost their permit, so we weren’t sure what we were going to do.

After asking around, we found a place in Uptown with a dog friendly patio called the State & Allen Lounge. We hung out on their heated patio, watched the Cowboys game, and enjoyed some good food. Even Maddie got a few table scraps for being a good pup.

Sunday was such a great day for our little family.

How was your weekend?


Two weekends ago, we traveled to Fredericksburg, Texas for Oktoberfest with Allen and Michelle. We stayed at the Inn on Baron’s Creek, which is within walking distance to the festival – walking after drinking = good idea.

We had a blast. Lots of German style beer, yummy brats with sauerkraut, and the chicken dance. This makes for a very, very good time.

Things to do and see while in Fredericksburg:

-- Visit a winery or two. I recommend Grape Creek… delicious.

-- Stroll down Main Street. Super cute shops and plenty of places to eat and drink like The Brewery.

-- Delight yourself in a German style bakery for breakfast. There is one just down from the Fredericksburg Winery on Main Street, but I can’t remember the name… oh. my. goodness… it’s sinfully good.

-- Make the trip to the Hill Top Café. It’s in a random place outside of town, but the pie is worth the drive.

-- Drink a beer in Luckenbach. Only 10 minutes from Fredericksburg, this town is like stepping back into the Wild West. The general store, the post office, and saloon are all in the same building. At least they have their priorities. Don’t forget to bring cash.

-- Try to make it to Oktoberfest in October. You have to book your rooms early in order to stay within walking distance, but the festival is so much fun. If you like crafts, music, good food, and plenty of beer, this is the place for you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When it Rains…

… it pours. Or at least it seems too.

Craig’s step-father, Jim, passed away on Sunday, September 20. After Craig’s grandfather passed away in November of last year, then his grandmother had a stroke and is confined to a bed, and now this. How much more heartache can the family endure?

With God, we can endure anything, including this.

Jim was a great guy. He was absolutely wonderful to Craig’s family and he had many, many friends that cared deeply about him. But Jim was more to me than a great guy, a wonderful person, or a good friend.

We had a different relationship that involved our love of the Rangers. Even though I only knew him for a short time, I feel like he took me in and made me a daughter. You see, he’s estranged from his only true daughter, and he had Carole and Clint’s wife, Kim, that he could call daughters, and not to down play their relationships with him, but I feel like Jim and I had something deeper than they did. That deeper connection was sports, more specifically, baseball… Rangers Baseball.

I’ll miss my talks with Jim about how we’re doing, who we’re playing, and if we’re going to get some pitching. I’ll really miss him.

Needless to say, the past week and a half has been very difficult. And to add fuel to the fire, we found out that Craig’s store will be closing for good on December 31, 2009. His company filed for Chapter 11 and needed to sell Bailey, Banks, and Biddle to make up some of their losses. When the auction was held for the rights to Bailey, Banks, and Biddle, no one expected a liquidation company to win the bid and ultimately seal the fate of all the stores closing.

But there is always a silver lining to every rain cloud. You just have to look for it.

During Jim’s funeral, Craig read a eulogy he’d written for Jim. In his speech, he mentioned going through the teaching program. After the service, the pastor’s wife approached Craig to see where he was teaching. When he explained that he had not found a position yet, she told him about an opportunity at Southwest Christian School’s Preparatory Campus in Benbrook. Then, Pastor Grassley told Craig he would personally visit Southwest Christian and put in a good word.

Craig completed his application last night. We’re continuing to pray for a position, especially in light of the new developments with Bailey, Banks, and Biddle.

When things like Jim’s passing, the news of Craig’s store closing, and the potential for a job all happen within a short time frame, I know exactly what’s going on. God is working and moving through our lives during the times when we need it most. He is walking beside us, giving us a shoulder to lean on, and He is carrying us during those times when we can’t walk on our own.

I love God. He is so amazing. And I’m so jealous of Jim for having seen Him in person. I know I’ll see Jim again in Heaven. He’ll meet me at the gates with the rest of my family that precedes me. I know God will take these dark and dismal times and make the sun shine on our faces again soon.

But until then, when it rains, it may pour, but I’ll put on my galoshes and splash in the puddles.

In Memory of Jim Smith

“The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you;
The Lord lift His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
~Numbers 6:24-26

Monday, August 31, 2009


I feel like I made some serious progress this weekend. Not only did I get the majority of my “list of things” done, I completed a few things I left off.

Here was my list from Friday:
1. Check, check, and check - Workout (tonight is turbo kickboxing, tomorrow is weight lifting and a calm & core class, and Sunday is yoga.)
2. I don’t get a check, but Craig does! - Mow the overgrown jungle that is my yard - front and back... yikes.
3. Check Plus - Laundry and lots of it (I was lazy last weekend).
4. Check Minus - Attempt to de-clutter the guest bedroom and office.

Even though I only tackled the guest bedroom (because I selfishly wanted to be outside on Sunday), I still got plenty done around the house.

1. Clean up the back porch
2. Vacuum the house and the couches
3. Dust the furniture
4. Make cute heart cakes for dessert – yum-o.

My pride and joy for the weekend: I did a serious overhaul on the back porch. Since it’s so hot outside, we don’t typically spend much time in the back yard. And with Maddie digging a big hole near the porch, we had dirt everywhere. After shoveling and sweeping the dirt back into the hole, I decided to clean the rest of the porch, too. Two hours later, it was complete. I feel so much better.

We would have eaten dinner outside last night if it weren’t for the plethora of mosquitoes that automatically started sucking my blood when I went to show Craig my accomplishment with the porch. Not one mosquito on him… not one, but my legs were covered with them. Drat. So we ate inside, but I still feel great about the way our porch looks.

Did you get anything accomplished this weekend?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Book Ends: Undone & The Doomsday Key

A fictional novel by Karin Slaughter, Undone is the third in her Will Trent series. He’s the main detective in her gripping murder suspense series set in Atlanta, GA.

A badly beaten and tortured woman is in the middle of county road when she is struck by a car being driven by an elderly couple. When the police are cleaning up the scene, Special Agent Trent is searching the surrounding forest area when he comes across a crudely built underground cave where he believes the victims were tortured. Yep, victims… he determines that two girls were kept in the cave. Do Special Agent Trent and his partner Faith Mitchell find the other girl? Are there other caves?

Ms. Slaughter captures you in the first few chapters and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the entire ride. With all the twists and turns, you can’t seem to get a good grasp on who the killer is, and with the next girl missing, you want them to find the killer now.

Parts of the story can be a bit gruesome and the language is definitely R rated. Even though this is a third installment, it is not necessary to read the previous two books to understand what’s going on.

Over all, I give Undone a 4+ out of 5.


If you’re looking for a less gruesome book but with all the suspense and action, check out the next book in the Sigma Force Series by James Rollins. The Doomsday Key is sure to keep you up at night while you fly through the novel.

As in his previous novels (mentioned here), the science and history lesson you get will be well worth the read. Plus, the action is non-stop and jam packed with sophisticated weapons, exotic places, and theories and ideas that threaten our world today.

I definitely recommend Sigma Force Series to any and all that are looking for an adventure in the palm of their hands. However, please start this series at the beginning. While Mr. Rollins “catches you up”, it’s not the same as if you were to read the others first.

Over all, I give The Doomsday Key a 5 out of 5.

I wish you happy reading.
Do you have any books that you recommend?

Hello Friday...

... I've missed you all week.

Just a few short hours until the weekend and I can't wait. Not that anything particularly fun is going to happen. Nonetheless, I won't be at work for two days.

What will I do with my two days, you ask?!?! Hum... let's see:

  1. Workout (tonight is turbo kickboxing, tomorrow is weight lifting and a calm & core class, and Sunday is yoga).

  2. Mow the overgrown jungle that is my yard - front and back... yikes.

  3. Laundry and lots of it (I was lazy last weekend).

  4. Attempt to de-clutter the guest bedroom and office.

On another subject, Craig is taking another test this weekend. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues the ever daunting task of finding a teaching job.

Hope you have a great Friday.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Magic Genie

Oh Magic Baseball Genie, would you please grant me one wish this summer?

That the Rangers win this

by beating the
